The Health Benefits of Jogging
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Jogging is a form of aerobic exercise. The word aerobic means oxygen. Aerobic exercise is excellent for the heart. It will increase your heart rate by pumping more blood throughout your body. This will allow your lungs to take in more oxygen. Jogging should be done several times a week to receive the maximum health benefits.
Before you start your routine you should get a complete physical from your doctor. This step is very important. This will prevent you from having health issues or injury to your body. A physical is needed especially if you have a chronic illness, are overweight, or have not been physically active for a long period. The health benefits of jogging are to strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, sleep better, build immune system, reduce depression, improve mental health, improve memory, reduce insulin resistance, and more. Overall, jogging will transform your quality of life.
Your jogging should be done several times a week. Pace yourself. Take rest breaks. It is a great idea to jog with a friend or partner.
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Jogging Quotes
I've turned into one of those people who go jogging in parks that I used to hate.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
My workout involves cardio, jogging, and yoga as well. I am a firm believer of yoga and meditation.
Hansika Motwani
I do two sessions a week with a personal trainer, and I love jogging.
Jeanne Damas
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